Miles Nolting
Safari Consultant
Miles was born and raised in Fort Lauderdale, FL, but Africa was always a second home! Miles has visited Africa on numerous occasions with his parents Alison and Mark and his brother Nicholas. Miles was 18 months old on his very first safari. As a result, Miles has grown up just as the safari industry has: from humble dome-tented mobile camps to lodges of today that are at the epitome of luxury. Miles’ dual role of Product Development and Operations and Sales Assistant equally addresses both the present and future of the safari industry.
Stories and Related Content
- Alison and Miles Nolting in Zambia, October 2024
- Miles in Namibia
- Miles Nolting’s Safari Journal in Southern Africa
- Miles Nolting in Kenya & Tanzania – November 2019
- Mark and Miles Nolting in Uganda & Botswana
- Mark & Miles Nolting in Botswana and Namibia
- Remarkable Rwanda and Incredible Ethiopia by Miles Nolting
- The Noltings Explore The Ancient Civilization of Egypt